Smooth Out Your Wrinkled Wallpaper

Get the wallpaper repair services you need in Greenwich, Stamford, CT & Harrison, NY

Is your wallpaper showing its age? Gunderson Flooring and Wallpaper Services can take care of wallpaper repair services for you. We'll inspect your walls, determine the extent of the problem and make all the needed repairs. We'll work quickly to get your wallpaper looking as good as new again.

Our specialists can deal with:

Small cuts in the wallpaper
Air bubbles making the surface uneven
Sections that won't stay flat

We're able to glue small cuts and tears back together to make your wallpaper look perfect. Schedule wallpaper repair services in Greenwich, Stamford, CT & Harrison, NY today.

Iron out those bubbles in your wallpaper

Iron out those bubbles in your wallpaper

Sometimes, pockets of air can become trapped behind wallpaper, resulting in bubbles and bulges. Our wallpaper bubble repairs can get rid of these.

Request wallpaper bubble repairs today in Greenwich, Stamford, CT & Harrison, NY.